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O positive and O negative donors urgently needed to give blood

Black man smiling as he gives blood

O blood type donors asked to urgently fill appointments across south east London this National Blood Week

NHS Blood and Transplant is calling for O Positive and O Negative blood donors to urgently donate blood as healthcare providers in south east London continue to experience disruption to services following a cyber incident.

The NHS is advising patients in south east London who need urgent medical care to continue to come forward as normal.

The IT incident affecting a pathology provider means the affected hospitals cannot currently match patients’ blood at the same frequency as usual.

For surgeries and procedures requiring blood to take place, hospitals need to use O type blood as this is safe to use for all patients.

That means more units of these types of blood than usual will be required over the coming weeks to support the wider efforts of frontline staff to keep services running safely for local patients.

South east London donors can find their nearest blood donation venue here: Where to donate - NHS Give Blood or call 0300 123 23 23.

Keeping you up to date

Member news

Ethnic Mental Health Carers Forum logo
Join ethnic carer discussion forum on Friday

Don't miss the next meeting of the Ethnic Mental Health Carers Forum on Friday 23 February, online from 10.30am....

Picture of board members at a meeting in the James Conference Room
Join Board of Directors’ meeting on Thursday

Don't miss our next Board of Directors' meeting on Thursday 7 March....

Chair of Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
New Chair to join Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust

We’re pleased to announce that our Council of Governors today (21 March) approved the appointment of Professor Andrew George MBE as the next Chair of Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust....

SEL ICS logo.jpg
Let's talk Health and Care in South East London

Read the latest news from the South East London Integrated Care System....

SEL ICS logo.jpg
Let's talk Health and Care in South East London

Read the latest news from the South East London Integrated Care System...

Join ethnic carer discussion forum on Friday

If you are caring for someone with mental illness who is from an ethnic background, advice and support can be found via the Ethnic Mental Health Carers Forum.

The forum is for families and carers from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds. It is carer led and provides a safe space for those suffering mental ill-health, and their carers to engage with health providers, educate and influence services. Health professionals are also welcome.

Sessions are held virtually, and the forum will next meet on Friday 23 February from 10.30am to noon. 

It will be chaired by carer’s advocate, Matthew McKenzie with guest speakers including Joseph Price from the University of Kent who will talk about engaging people with severe mental illness with health research in Kent.

Contact Matthew McKenzie via email at to receive the Zoom meeting link.

Read the latest edition of Engage

engage newsletter front cover with new Chair outside building  

Issue Seven - May 2024

View the latest edition of our membership newsletter by clicking on the image.







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