South London Mental Health and Community Partnership (SLP)

SLP_LOGO_Master.png We are part of a unique partnership of three South London mental health trusts, bringing together clinical expertise, experience and innovation to benefit patients. 

Colleagues from Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, and South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust collaborate where we can improve quality, use resources most effectively – and provide better care, experience and outcomes for patients and staff – by working together.

Working collaboratively and at scale across South London’s 3.6 million+ population means we can transform outcomes for people with specialist, sometimes complex, mental health conditions. We aim to be transformational in developing new ways of working; implement consistent best practice clinical pathways; and commission the right services to meet local population health needs.

Our trusts’ clinicians, operational and corporate services teams; local, regional and national partners; and patients come together to co-design evidence-based approaches that deliver better care, closer to home for our communities. We aim to maximise value for the NHS, enabling reinvestment in enhanced and new specialist local and South London-wide services.

Major specialist areas of work where we collaborate include:

  • Forensic (Adult Secure) Provider Collaborative
  • CAMHS (Tier 4) Provider Collaborative
  • Adult Eating Disorders Provider Collaborative
  • Nursing Development Programme
  • Complex Care Programme
  • Corporate Services Programme

Annual Review

You can view the latest SLP Annual Review here: South London Mental Health and Community Partnership Annual Review 2020/21 (

SLP Partnership Committees Meeting

Upcoming meeting dates will be updated here in due course.

We are kind, we are fair, we listen

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care