South East London Integrated Care System

SEL ICS logo.png Health and care organisations in South East London already work in close partnership but changes to health and care services in England have put these arrangements on a statutory footing.

In July 2022, the South East London Clinical Commissioning Group (CCGs) was replaced by a new Integrated Care System (ICS). These ICS partnerships across the country are now formally responsible for allocating resources and planning services for local areas.

The system brings together all the organisations responsible for delivering health and care for local communities to make collective decisions on how to best manage resources and improve services.

We are part of the South East London ICS called Our Healthier South East London Integrated Care System.

Borough council members are:

Healthcare providers are:

Primary care networks (in each of the six boroughs)
Groups of GP surgeries working together with other organisations in a local area.   

Local care partnerships (in each of the six boroughs)
Local councils working together with NHS and VCSE at borough level

South East London-wide and six borough Healthwatch organisations

Voluntary, community sector and social enterprise organisations

Other partners and collaborations

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