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Cardiac Rehabilitation Service - Bexley and Greenwich

  • The Cardiac Rehabilitation Service is an eight-week cardiac rehabilitation programme for cardiac patients in Bexley and Greenwich.

  • Reception phone number: 0208 3197049

Our aims

We aim to:

  • Restore the patient to their optimal level of health by addressing physical, psychological and social needs.
  • Enable the patient to make informed choices about health issues and improve their understanding of their cardiac rehabilitation.
  • Include patients’ families, carers and support networks in aspects of care and service provision.

The service is mostly delivered in community clinics. Home visits are available for patients who are housebound. Our exercise sessions are delivered in community-based gyms.

We run a weekly educational programme covering cardiac-related health topics. The aim is to empower our patients to self-manage their condition.

Our team

The service is provided by specialist cardiac rehabilitation nurses and specialist exercise professionals. We are a multidisciplinary team. This means we are a group of professionals who specialise in different areas of medicine but work together to make decisions about how to care for heart conditions.

How to access this service

To access this service, you must:

  • Be aged 18 or above
  • Live in the boroughs of Bexley or Greenwich or be registered with a GP in those boroughs

You can be referred to this service by:

  • Your GP
  • Practice nurses
  • Consultant cardiologists
  • Cardiac nurse specialists


You can self-refer to this service if you have experienced certain cardiac events or procedures in the last six months. These include:

  • Post-CABG patients (six weeks post-surgery for exercise component)
  • Post-PCI (two weeks post-elective PCI for exercise component)
  • Post-NSTEMI/STEMI (two to four weeks post-MI for exercise component)
  • Post-valve replacement or repair (six weeks post-sternotomy for exercise component)
  • Heart failure
  • Pre and post-transplant
  • Congenital Heart Disease
  • Post-device implantation

Referrals must include:

  • Relevant medical history
  • Intervention report (surgical notes, angiogram/PCI and echo documentation, PPM/ ICD device details)
  • Discharge summary from a cardiac event, admission, or procedure.

How to contact this service

Email address:

Public phone number: 0208 319 7049


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We are kind, we are fair, we listen