Copper Coil

The copper coil (IUD – Intrauterine Device)

This method of contraception is hormone free, and your periods will continue as normal although you may find that they become longer, heavier and more uncomfortable. For more information, please visit Copper Coil / IUD | Contraception Choices.

It can be used for emergency contraception as well as ongoing contraception and will last for 5-10yrs if fitted before the age of 40yrs.

 If an IUD is fitted after the age of 40yrs they can remain in the uterus until you are 55yrs of age and contraception is not longer required.

Please be advised that a coil device can be fitted whilst you are on your period.

To book an appointment for a IUCD to be fitted or replaced please contact 0208 301 8920 option 2 and speak to our admin team who will book an appointment for you.

If you have not been to our service before then our admin team will register you and make an appointment. This will be confirmed via email which will also contain the following information: 

1. Please continue with your current method of contraception until your appointment date.

2. Coil fitting/coil replacement: you must abstain from sexual intercourse (or use a condom every time) for three weeks prior to the appointment, as if there is a risk of pregnancy, we will not fit the coil.

3. If you do not follow the information above, we may not be able to fit your coil on the date above and you will need to rebook.

4. Please take analgesia (pain killers) such as Ibuprofen an hour before your appointment time.

5. Please ensure you have had something to eat and drink prior to your appointment.

6. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment time so that you can complete your registration, do your weight/height and blood pressure and if necessary, provide a urine sample for a pregnancy test.

7. If you are later than your stipulated appointment time you WILL NOT be seen and will need to rebook.

Hormonal Coil

The Hormonal Coil (IUS – intrauterine system) is a T-shaped plastic device that gets inserted into the uterus and gives off a hormone drug (levonorgestrel). It comes in different strengths and sizes, the most common ones are the Mirena or Kyleena hormonal coil.

They can remain in the uterus (womb) for 5-8yrs, for more information please visit Hormonal Coil / IUS | Contraception Choices

If you are 45 years or above at the time of fitting of a Mirena coil, this can be kept until age 55y

As well as providing contraception, an IUS is good if you have heavy or painful periods as it usually lightens or stops your period.

If you require the IUS for HRT purposes or have a known gynaecological disorder, then please see your GP and request referral to community gynaecology services.

Please be advised that a coil device can be fitted whilst you are on your period.

To book an appointment for a IUCD to be fitted or replaced please contact 0208 301 8920 option 2 and speak to our admin team who will book an appointment for you.

If you have not been to our service before then our admin team will register you and make an appointment. This will be confirmed via email which will also contain the following information: 

1. Please continue with your current method of contraception until your appointment date.

2. Coil fitting/coil replacement: you must abstain from sexual intercourse (or use a condom every time) for three weeks prior to the appointment, as if there is a risk of pregnancy, we will not fit the coil.

3. If you do not follow the information above, we may not be able to fit your coil on the date above and you will need to rebook.

4. Please take analgesia (pain killers) such as Ibuprofen an hour before your appointment time.

5. Please ensure you have had something to eat and drink prior to your appointment.

6. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment time so that you can complete your registration, do your weight/height and blood pressure and if necessary, provide a urine sample for a pregnancy test.

7. If you are later than your stipulated appointment time you WILL NOT be seen and will need to rebook.

Long Acting Reversible Contraception – coils, implants, injection

Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) is defined as contraceptive methods that require administration less than once per cycle or month.

These include:

  • Copper Coil (IUD)
  • Hormone Coil (IUS)
  • Contraceptive Implant (Nexplanon)
  • Contraceptive Injection (Depo Provera, Sayana Press)

Please check out the other services we offer at our Women’s and Girls’ Health Hub.

If you would like to book into any of the other services that we offer there will be an option to add more appointments once you have made your booking.