At Oxleas, we offer a wide range of NHS healthcare services to people living in South East London and to people in prison.
Our services include community health care such as district nursing and speech and language therapy, care for people with learning disabilities and mental health care such as psychiatry, nursing and therapies.
Our multidisciplinary teams look after people of all ages and we work in close partnership with other parts of the NHS, local councils and the voluntary sector and through our new provider collaboratives.
Our 4,000 members of staff work in many different settings including hospitals, clinics, prisons, children’s centres, schools and people’s homes. We manage hospital sites including Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup and Memorial Hospital in Woolwich as well as the Bracton Centre, our medium secure unit for people with mental health needs.
We are now the leading NHS provider of offender healthcare within secure environments across Kent, South East and South West London and more recently within 10 prisons in the South West of the country. We are proud of the care we provide and our people.
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care