The Accessible Information Standard (external link) tells us how to make information accessible to patients, service users and their carers or parents whose needs relate to a disability, impairment or sensory loss.
There are many good reasons why we are working to improve our provision of this standard:
Our five must dos:
Ask (identify) if people (patients, parents and carers) have any information or communication needs and find out how they would like those needs met
Record those needs, and consent, in a way that is highly visible on the electronic and/or paper record
Flag on the person’s electronic record, and any paper record
Share information about the person’s needs with other teams, services and other agencies and providers during referral, discharge or handover
Act (meet the needs) – make sure people get their information in the way they have requested and have their communication needs met.
More information about the Accessible Information Standard is available in other formats on the NHS England website (external link).
Oxleas_Accessible_Info_poster.pdf [pdf] 68KB
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