The feedback we receive from people who use our services, and their carers, family and friends is really important to us. We use your feedback to learn about what we are doing well and what we can do to improve.
You can tell us about your experiences in a number of ways:
Talk to a member of staff involved in your care. An important part of their job is to listen to what you have to say and to try to respond to any concerns you may have.
Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). They can help resolve concerns or problems before they become serious. They can also pass on complaints, compliments and suggestions.
Patient advice and liaison service page
If you are unhappy about the care you, or someone you know has receive, you can make a formal complaint.
Our patient experience survey has been co-produced with service users, family and carers, and staff to ensure that we ask about what is important to you. It consists of seven must-ask questions that cover key areas including information, involvement, communication needs as well as the Friends and Family Test (“Overall, How was your experience of our service?”).
Your feedback allows us to find out what we are doing well and where improvements can be made. We gather this information through a variety of methods including automated SMS, emails and sometimes paper questionnaires and real time feedback using iPads.
Our findings are discussed in Patient Experience Group meetings and then published on our website. You can find out more about the NHS Friends and Family Test on the NHS website.
We have volunteers who help us co-facilitate our interactive ‘SEE’ days by collecting qualitative feedback from staff, patients, their families and carers through informal discussions with volunteers about our services.
This feedback helps us to continually improve services and showcase areas in which services are doing well.
Our pilot project in August 2019 was at Meadow View, our intermediate care unit at Queen Mary’s Hospital in Sidcup for patients who need rehabilitation before going home.
The project resumed in September 2021 at Greenwich Crisis House, which is run in partnership with Oxleas and is a respite service for people experiencing a mental health crisis.
You can find the reports and action plans below.
Meadow_View_SEE_Initiative.pdf [pdf] 2MB
Meadow_View_SEE_Action_plan.pdf [pdf] 425KB
Greenwich_Crisis_House_SEE_Initiative.pdf [pdf] 1MB
Greenwich_Crisis_House_SEE_Action_Plan.pdf [pdf] 159KB
We have been running SEE days in our Forensic wards since May 2024 and once the visits are completed we will publish our findings on this page.
Our reports contain feedback from patient experience surveys as well as complaints and compliments we have received. The information is reviewed at Trust Patient Experience Group (PEG) meetings and discussed at executive level meetings.
Our latest PEG report for the financial year 2023/2024:
Patient Experience Group Report - Financial Year 2023 2024.pdf
Our previous reports:
Patient Experience Group_Report January_and_February_2022.pdf
Patient Experience Group_Report 2021/2022_held_in_July_2022.pdf
You can request to see prior reports by emailing: oxl-tr.patientexperience@nhs.net.
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care