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A special thank you to our volunteers

Image of afternoon tea

Have you ever thought about giving up some of your time to support the NHS and get involved in your community?

Last year, our fantastic volunteers at Oxleas gave over 12,000 hours to help us through some of the most difficult challenges faced by the NHS in our history.

Back in July, we organised a special ‘thank you’ afternoon tea at the Danson Boathouse, to pay tribute to the hard work that our volunteers put in to support our service users and staff. 

We captured the event on film and you can see what the day meant to everyone here.

Japleen Kaur, Assistant Director for Involvement, was delighted to hold the event in person at last after being postponed for two years due to the COVID pandemic.  She said: "I think the history of the NHS and volunteering is inextricably linked; it has a direct impact on improving both the quality of services we provide and the patients' experience. Every day is a day to thank volunteers for their tireless contributions.”

Interested in volunteering?

There are many ways you can volunteer.  If you or someone you know is interested in finding out more about volunteering with Oxleas, then please contact us on 020 8301 9487, or send an e-mail to oxl-tr.volunteeringservices@nhs.net.

Watch our short film from the event here.

Celebrating our Oxleas volunteers from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.



we are kind we are fair we listen we care

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

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