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A wonderful example of co-production

Three staff members standing in a garden at Woodlands Unit

The Estates Team at Oxleas NHS have been working with service users to regenerate a disused outdoor space at Woodlands Unit in Queen Mary’s Hospital and the results are truly showstopping. 

The new outdoor therapy space has been co-produced and includes outdoor exercise equipment for keep fit, a sports pitch, a special planting area for horticulture, a shelter and quiet space - ideal for taking time out to reflect. 

Stephen Dilworth, Vice Chair of the Board of Directors at Oxleas NHS, officially opened the new facility and said: “What we’ve done with this space is marvellous, it’s a real asset that our service users and the staff alike will benefit tremendously from.

“The co-production of facilities like this is vital and I’m absolutely thrilled that service users have chosen what this beautiful outdoor space should include and how it should look.”

Watch our short film of the grand opening here:

Woodlands Unit Garden grand opening from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.



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