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Award winners revealed at staff celebration!

Ify Okocha and Abi Fadipe

Our first face-to-face Recognition Awards for three years was certainly one to remember.

Hundreds of colleagues gathered at Woolwich Works to celebrate and recognise outstanding achievement amid laughter, tears and dancing.

Hosted by Chief Executive Ify Okocha, Chair Andy Trotter and Medical Director Abi Fadipe, fantastic applause greeted all our winners and highly commended teams and individuals as they took to the stage to collect their certificates and prizes.

Our showcase from the ceremony really captures the incredible atmosphere – find out who our winning and highly commended teams and individuals were in our showcase film below.

We received hundreds of nominations from across our services and directorates and the judges had a tough job on their hands to choose the winners.

The annual awards aim to show how colleagues have put our values – we’re kind, we’re fair, we listen, we care – into action to improve lives and service user experience.

Abi said: “It is so important that we recognise and celebrate the outstanding work of colleagues and it was wonderful to be able to be together this year and celebrate in style. It was a privilege to host the awards and be a part of the excitement, energy and anticipation – huge congratulations to all of our winners and highly commended colleagues.”


2022 Oxleas Recognition and Long Service Awards from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

We are kind, we are fair, we listen

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