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Celebrate Preceptorship Week with us

Allied Health Professional Preceptorship programme logo

We’re excited to announce we are holding our first ever Oxleas-wide Preceptorship Week next week (12 to 16 August).

Preceptorship is a period of structured transition for newly registered nurses and Allied Health Professionals, which aims to settle them into the NHS and help them feel more confident in their new roles.

We want to celebrate and recognise our Allied Health Professional (AHPs), nurses and psychological therapists who are completing Preceptorship (preceptees) and those who are supporting (preceptors). We also want to recognise those have previously completed our preceptorship programme.

As part of the week, we’ll be sharing top tips and experiences during face-to-face visits and via virtual sessions with colleagues trustwide.

We’ll also be hosting two virtual showcases detailing our award winning preceptorship offer which are open externally to students, support staff, AHPs and nurses who want to find out more.

They will take place on:

We look forward to seeing you there to celebrate all things preceptorship!

Further information on our Preceptorship Programme can be found here: Oxleas AHP Preceptorship

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