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Celebrating International Nurses’ Day in style

Photo montage of nurses with 'Happy Nurses Day' written in the centre

Our wonderful nurses celebrated International Nurses’ Day in style on 12 May.

Celebrated annually on the anniversary of the birth of nursing pioneer, Florence Nightingale, the day is a chance to celebrate what our nurses do, as well as an opportunity to say thank you.

Nursing colleagues from across Oxleas showed their support for each other on social media and the Royal College of Nursing’s (RCN) celebratory film for the day features some very familiar faces – take a look!

Jesca Gudza, who works as a looked after children’s nurse in Bexley, and Sandra Hungwe, Matron at Meadow View, are among eight inspiring people featured by RCN as part of their celebrations this year, for going the extra mile to deliver the best nursing care.

Jane Wells, Director of Nursing said: “Thank you to all our wonderful nurses for every act of kindness, compassion and care. You all make me so proud.”

The Royal College of Nursing's special celebratory film focuses on the incredible work of our nurses and the difference they make to our patients’ lives, by sharing their stories.

Watch the film, along with the “behind the scenes” action here:

RCN's Best of Nursing film (behind the scenes special) from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.

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we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

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