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Celebrating national status for our AHP Preceptorship Programme

Image shows a blue graphic reading 'AHP - Allied Health Professionals Preceptorship Programme'

Our hugely successful and unique Oxleas NHS Allied Health Professional (AHP) Preceptorship Programme has expanded and is now a national resource! 

The programme supports newly qualified AHP professionals in their first year of clinical practice and is structured to enable the smooth transition from ‘student’ to ‘accountable clinician’ for Dietitians, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists and Speech and Language Therapists. 

Initially, Oxleas NHS was leading on the project and sharing it with eight other trusts across London. To celebrate the move to national status, we’ve launched an updated brochure PDF (new window) and policy PDF (new window)

A website with resources for students is also available: www.oxleasahppreceptorship.com (external link) 

Patsy Fung, Trust Lead for AHPs, said: “AHPs provide a diverse range of therapies and play a key role in providing mental health and physical care. However, in London, there is a current turnover of between 20-25%.  

“Research indicates the first two years of employment are crucial in determining job retention. It is therefore important that support, supervision and guidance in provided at this crucial time, which is where the programme will help.”  

To find out more about the Oxleas AHP Preceptorship Programme, please email: contact oxl-tr.ahp.preceptorship@nhs.net.

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