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Celebrating our equality and diversity awards

Image shows a group of people (Oxleas shadow executive) with Andy Trotter, Chair

Celebrating our equality and diversity awards

Two national awards for promoting equality, diversity and inclusion were celebrated at our Board meeting last week. 

Members of the Board of Directors joined colleagues from our Building a Fairer Oxleas steering group and those who have been part of our Shadow Executive to mark the awards.

Oxleas Chair, Andy Trotter, thanked colleagues for their contribution to making Oxleas a Great Place to work. "It is fantastic to have everyone's hard work recognised through these prestigious national awards," he said. "Both these programmes will continue to go from strength to strength." 

Juliana Frederick-James, Head of Equality and Human Rights, welcomed the awards and said that she looked forward to the trust attracting more in the future. 

Our Building a Fairer Oxleas programme (BAFO) won the Healthcare People Management Association Annual Awards for leading in equality, diversity and inclusion. 

While our Shadow Executive programme has won the Enei Inclusivity Excellence Annual Awards for an innovative approach to diversity and inclusion. 

This follows us being a finalist in the Engage 2022 Awards for the best Diversity and Inclusion Strategy earlier this year.

Board celebrations with our BAFO award winners

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