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Celebrating two years of Building a Fairer Oxleas

Image shows the two years of BAFO graphic containing information about how the Trust has progressed

This week, we celebrate two years of our building a fairer Oxleas (BAFO) programme which was set up to make positive changes to how it feels working at Oxleas.

Over the past two years, we've made a lot of progress guided by our BAFO volunteers. This includes:

  • Reinvigorating our staff networks and launching new groups including neurodiversity, childlessness and menopause
  • Increasing representation of people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds in senior roles - now increased by 3% and comprising 40% of our Board
  • Disabled candidates are as likely to be appointed after shortlisting as non-disabled candidates
  • Having a float in the London Pride march for this first time this year

A thank you event was held for colleagues across Oxleas who have shaped the programme. Chief Executive Ify Okocha thanked them for their support and commitment to making changes. 

"There have been hundreds and hundreds of people across Oxleas who have been involved in driving this work - a real team effort," he said. "The 'Building a Fairer Oxleas' programme is very close to my heart, and it is supported by every single member of the Board and the Executive. My warm thanks to everyone who is helping us to build a better Oxleas for everyone."

Non-executive director Yemisi Gibbons also attended the celebration. She said: “It was an absolute delight to celebrate BAFO’s anniversary with staff from a wide cross-section of the organisation. I am so proud of what we have achieved so far and excited to see what is to come."

The programme will continue over the coming year and all teams are being invited to get involved by taking up our new Building a Fairer Oxleas '5 step challenge'.  A summary of the progress made so far is available in the attached infographic.


we are kind we are fair we listen we care

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

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