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Celebrating work to build a fairer Oxleas

Chief Executive Ify Okocha presents Shanice Enoe with her accreditation certificate

The work of teams from across Oxleas NHS who have stepped up to our challenge to build a fairer Oxleas was celebrated at a special accreditation event.

Around 100 colleagues from teams across our services, came together to mark their accreditation having completed the BAFO 5 Step Challenge and to share learning and experiences.

And we were there to capture the day on film which you can view below.

A team’s culture has a big impact on the day-to-day experience of our staff and on the care that we give to patients and service users. The 5 Step Challenge is about supporting teams to live the trust’s values and apply the BAFO principles in everyday work and about opening the door to meaningful conversations.

At the event, held on 11 July at the Marriott Hotel in Bexleyheath, each accredited team were given time to present a summary of what they had done and what their aspirations are moving forward. Pictured receiving her team’s accreditation certificate from Oxleas Chief Executive, Ify Okocha is Shanice Enoe CAMHS Liaison and Crisis Team Manager with our Greenwich CAMHS combined team.

Juliana Frederick-James, Head of Equality and Human Rights, said: The event was about celebrating those teams who have achieved the five step challenge and who are using that experience to improve or to change what they’re doing and how they relate to one another.

Rachel Evans, Director of Strategy and People, said: “The 5 Step Challenge has been fantastic - what a difference it’s made to the culture within teams. BAFO is helping us to develop stronger teams, improve psychological safety within those teams as well as being happier and supportive to our colleagues.”

View our short film from the event here:


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