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Celebrating World Wellbeing Week

Image shows a woman and a man holding documents and freebies as part of the wellbeing week offer in front of a wellbeing 'take 5' pull up banner

It's World Wellbeing Week (26 to 30 June) where organisations across the globe celebrate wellbeing - both mental and physical.

At Oxleas, we're thinking about how we can all wind down after busy days at work. Sharing ways that clinicians can leave work behind them and switch off so that they are refreshed to provide care the following day. Colleagues across the trust are being encouraged to Take 5 to wind down using a range of hints and tips.

Across the NHS, there are a variety of resources to support everyone's wellbeing. These include 5 steps to mental wellbeing and and a library of short exercise videos at Fitness Studio exercise videos

Have a look to see if any of these free resources can help you!

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