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Changing the narrative on World Suicide Prevention Day

Our Community Mental Health Directorate responded to the call to ‘change the narrative’ on World Suicide Prevention Day (10 September), delivering a day of ‘listening lounges’ across Greenwich, Bexley & Bromley.

The sessions, for our staff, were facilitated by trained Professional Nurse Advocates (PNAs) to acknowledge the impact of suicide, both professionally and personally and to remind staff about the professional and wellbeing support available.

A big thank you to the many staff that shared their experiences and reflected on how we currently support staff who experience suicide and how they can further support each other daily with the emotional burden of caring.

Conversations with over 30 staff meant we really did ‘start the conversation’.

The PNAs who delivered the 'lounges' were Catherine Seabourne, Munya Mangundu, Jake Chambers, Twanna Menzies Thompson, Stacy Washington, Comfort Adeyeye and Julia Ives.

We are kind, we are fair, we listen

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

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