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Charlton Athletic’s community projects boosted by iPad donations

Staff from Charlton athletic with Lisa Tan, Head of Communications

No one should be disadvantaged by digital poverty and at Oxleas, we’re doing our bit to help by donating vital resources.

We’ve come up with a solution to work with Charlton Athletic Community Trust (CACT) to donate some of the trust’s old iPads, which will be distributed out into community services to support programmes and mental health initiatives.

The donation is the latest in our fantastic initiative to recycle our older iPads, which has already seen a number of local schools benefit too.

Michael Lawrence, Post 16 Academy Manager at CACT, said the iPads will be distributed to students to support them with their assignments as they don’t always have direct access to IT.

Mark Gregory, Director of Finance at Charlton Athletic Community Trust, said: “This sort of gift in kind is of tremendous benefit to us financially as we can spend funds on services rather than on equipment. We’ll be able to increase our education offer to more young people across a range of different programmes such as the youth service and NCS programme where we work with young people in the school holidays.

Nik Schofield, IT Manager at Oxleas, who dropped into Charlton Athletic's training ground, said: “I am delighted that these iPads will make such as big difference to so many young people and bring so many benefits. As an NHS organisation working across Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich, it is great that we can support our local communities in this way.”

Find out more in our short film here:

Charlton Athletic’s community projects boosted by iPad donations from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.

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