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D-Day anniversary - a time to remember

Memorial image marking 80th anniversary of D Day

Today (6 June) marks the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings - a time to remember as a nation those who lost their lives on that day.

The D-Day landings of 6 June 1944 was the largest seaborne invasion in history which, together with airborne operations, marked the beginning of the liberation of France and western Europe.

As a Veteran Aware and Gold Employer Recognition Scheme accredited trust, Oxleas is committed to our Armed Forces communities. We employ Armed Forces Champions to raise awareness and offer advice to colleagues. 

We are also a forces-friendly employer by participating in a range of appropriate schemes and we build strong connections with welfare services and charities to ensure continuity of care.

Our Veterans and Armed Forces working group and champions meet regularly to discuss service developments to support our local Armed Forces communities and our staff who have links to it.

Irene Cowling, Armed Forces and Veteran Coordinator, said:

“I wish to remember all those who gave so much for our freedom on D-Day and I am proud to be involved in the support of our Armed Forces community within this role.”

To find out more about the work we do for our veterans and their families please see our Armed Forces webpage.

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