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Don’t miss our Oxwide review of the year!

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2021 was another incredibly busy year for us all and we saw some great achievements and outstanding work in what continue to be challenging times. 

Throughout the year, our Oxwide team have been busy capturing these achievements on camera, talking to teams and services across the trust, about the work they have been doing. 

As our first Oxwide of the new year, we’ve taken a look back at last year with our new Chief Executive, Ify Okocha, highlighting just some of these achievements, featured on Oxwide over the year and culminating in our fantastic Recognition Awards 2021. 

We’d like to say thank you to all our colleagues for your continued support, and if you or your team have something to shout about and would like to feature as part of an Oxwide broadcast in 2022, please get in touch. We know there’s loads of great work going on out there, across the trust, and we’d love to let everyone know about it.

Watch our Oxwide review of 2021 here:

Oxwide: 2021 review of year from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.

Watch our Oxwide review of the year.

we are kind we are fair we listen we care

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

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