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Drop-in healthcare available again for Horn Park residents

A group of Oxleas staff standing outside

Horn Park residents will once again be able to access drop-in healthcare on their estate as The Source reopens after a six-year closure.

The Oxleas NHS nurse-led walk-in centre will open for two days a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, offering support for minor ailments as well as wellbeing advice and signposting.

The Source, in Sibthorpe Road, is being run by Oxleas NHS and Charlton Athletic Community Trust. Residents can drop in without an appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays to see a nurse in the mornings, or a Livewell advisor in the afternoons.

Councillors, residents and Clive Efford MP have long campaigned for The Source to be brought back to Horn Park and were present for a ribbon cutting on Monday 5 September, as partners from Charlton Athletic door-knocked the community to spread the word.

Councillor Denise Scott-McDonald, Cabinet Member for Health and Adults’ Social Care, said: “The Source provides much-needed support for people living in Horn Park, and by putting it back into use it will benefit the entire borough.   

“The Source will allow residents to get trusted help right on their doorstep, lightening the load for GPs and Queen Elizabeth Hospital.”   

Clive Efford MP added: “There has been huge support from the Horn Park community to see The Source brought back to life, as so many were devastated by its closure due to cuts.     

“The Source will provide local and convenient healthcare to people living on the estate and I am so grateful that we have found a way to open services, rather than close them.”     

Andy Trotter, Chair of Oxleas NHS, said: “This has been a fantastic joint venture by Oxleas, the Council, Charlton Athletic Community Trust and the South East London Integrated Care System and really goes to show what can be achieved when we work together.  

“We’ll be providing healthcare in the community where residents want it, providing great out of hospital care, allowing other NHS services to focus on other priorities.” 

The Source will offer drop-in support for local residents, including blood pressure checks, support with long term conditions, advice and signposting, and sexual health and contraception support.

Watch a short film of the opening day below.

The Source is available again for Horn Park residents from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.

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