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eMeds: Saving us time and money every day

A new medicines management digital tool is already reaping results, saving us both time and money and having a positive impact on our staff wellbeing.

EMIS, a hospital medicines management solution, helps clinicians and hospital pharmacy staff deliver medications to patients in a safe, efficient and cost-effective way.

Previously, our clinical and pharmacy teams relied on a manual system for prescribing, administering, and dispensing medications. 

This process required significant effort including scanning medication requests, writing prescriptions by hand, printing drug chats, and emailing documents.

To help overcome these challenges we introduced our eMeds programme to streamline medicines management and prescribing processes.

A survey carried out by the Digital Transformation Team found this new way of working saves our clinicians and pharmacy colleagues more than three hours a day, delivers more joined up and safer patient care and has reduced spending. It has even helped to improve staff wellbeing.

What our staff think:

Nurse Rebecca Orepo-Tailwo, said:

eMeds makes life easier when ordering medication from the pharmacy and saves us a lot of time scanning drug charts to the pharmacy.

Senior House Officer, Dhananjay Mukherjee, described the system as:

Fast and flexible. Compared to a paper system, the time saving is night and day.

Ward Manager, Stacey Blackford, added:

It’s transformed the way we work on the ward immensely and works brilliantly.

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