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Encouraging the next generation of health care apprentices

Nigel Hogg careers fair

Here’s Nigel Hogg, our apprenticeship lead at Oxleas, encouraging students to be the next generation of health care professionals. 

Nigel was invited along to a careers fair at Blackfen School for Girls in Sidcup where he spoke with students about choosing an apprenticeship with Oxleas as a step towards a successful career in nursing, psychology and non-clinical careers such as IT. 

We are proud to have more than 120 apprentices working in roles which include Nursing Associates, Healthcare Support Worker, Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Occupational Therapist, Business Administration and HR Support. 

Nigel said: “Apprenticeships come in all shape and sizes and are a great way to learn on the job, earn and wage and gain a valuable qualification at the same time.” 

we are kind we are fair we listen we care

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

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