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Farewell to non-executive director Stephen Dilworth

L-R Chair Andrew George Stephen Dilworth and CEO Ify Okocha

This month, we say goodbye to non-executive director Stephen Dilworth who has worked with us at Oxleas for the past nine years.

Stephen has given great service to Oxleas being both Vice Chair and Chair of our Audit and Risk Assurance Committee. He has also had a particular interest in supporting our volunteering and veterans programmes helping them to grow and develop.

At a farewell event, colleagues said thank you to Stephen and presented him with gifts to mark his dedication and service to the trust. Chair Andrew George highlighted Stephen's commitment to Oxleas. He said:

"Stephen has made an immense contribution to the trust and has exemplified the role being a critical friend through his challenge and support. I have valued my relatively short time on the board with him and thank him for his advice and help as I got to know Oxleas."

Stephen spoke about how he has enjoyed his time with Oxleas. He said:

"It has been an honour and privilege to be part of the Oxleas story. The organisation has made great progress over the last nine years, as recognised by winning awards for best NHS trust and one of the best employers in the UK. I have seen real benefits for service users and the community.

 "Thinking of the staff, governors, reception and volunteers at Oxleas, everyone I have met has been helpful and passionate about the aim to provide the best possible service. Oxleas is a wonderful organisation and I’m sure it will continue to succeed in delivering excellent support and outcomes. It has been a joy working with you all."

Stephen will be replaced as Chair of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee by Damien Régent who joins Oxleas as a non-executive director on 1 November 2024.

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