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From accounting to nursing, Kayode shines a light to inspire others

Kayode Aderinwale

It’s not every day that you have a story worthy of telling in a national magazine.

Meet Kayode Aderinwale, who works as a learning disability nurse at the Bracton Centre and has told his inspirational story of how and why he left his accounting job to re-train as a nurse.

Kayode’s story has been featured in Pick Me Up! magazine this week after he was approached to be part of the national ‘We Are the NHS’ campaign which shines a light on what it’s really like to work in the NHS.

The campaign champions the extraordinary work of nurses, allied health professionals and health care support workers to inspire a new generation to embark on a career in the health service.

Kayode’s change of career path was inspired by the care his niece received after she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.

Kayode said: “My placement with the Learning Disabilities Team at Guys and St Thomas Hospital exposed me to how people with learning disabilities are supported - both within the community and in hospital wards.”

Now working with us at Oxleas NHS, Kayode continues to thrive in his new role. “It has been amazing how the team, which I am proudly part of, has been able to support people with disabilities during the pandemic,” he added.

Kayode describes working for the NHS as a great privilege and encourages others to apply for the range of roles that are available. “If your goal is to create a positive impact on the lives of real people and you want to contribute your skills to making people’s lives better - then the NHS is the place for you.”


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