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Fun and fitness for Learning Disability Awareness Week

Image shows four images. Top left - children playing, top right - a bake sale, bottom left - a sign saying 'Bexleyheath Sports Club' and bottom right a calendar with the 20th June 2023 circled

Next week is Learning Disability Awareness Week and to celebrate the week and 75 years of the NHS, we’re inviting service users to a special event.

Our learning disability services have organised the event which will take place on Tuesday 20 June at Bexleyheath Sports Club in Park View Road, Bexleyheath, from 10am to 12.30pm.

Service users will have the opportunity to meet new friends, have fun and enjoy some refreshments. There will be plenty of activities and information on how to keep well.

If you would like to come along, please let our team know by calling 020 8269 3339 by Friday 16 June.

We look forward to seeing you then!

Please see this poster for more information on how to get there.

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