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Funds for ideas to improve patient experience

Image shows Oxleas logo, with 'NHS 75' and 'Improve fund' written below

We are extending the deadline for applications to the NHS 75 Improve Fund which is offering grants of up to £750 to support projects to improve patient experience.

You now have until 31 July 2023 to apply for funding to take forward ideas to improve patient experience that are jointly developed by members of staff and people using our services. Ideas for projects include celebrations of seasonal or cultural events, wellbeing activities or equipment for sports or craft activities.

The scheme has been set up to put Oxleas Charity funds into use to improve patient experience. "Working together to improve patient and carer experience is vital in health services," said Neil Springham, Director of Therapies. "This new fund is just one of the ways at Oxleas that we are increasing patient and carer involvement and spreading co-design and co-production across the organisation."

If you have a query about the fund, please email:

Please see this attached paper for more details on how to apply and the application form:

Improve experience fund overview (Word)

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