Whatever the outcome, it’s important for everyone to stay positive and move forward. It’s a time when many young people are anxious, stressed or worried about what the future holds for them. Further education, apprenticeships, entering the world of work – the choices can be a bit overwhelming!
There are a number of great websites out there with great advice for young people and their parents/carers.
For young people struggling with their mental health, visit youngminds.org.uk, which is full of useful tips, life stories and advice - there is also a helpful section for parents too.
You may also want to take a look at the HeadScape Greenwich or HeadScape Bexley websites, designed by young people for young people aged 10 to 18 years in Greenwich and Bexley.
These self-help sites support mental health and wellbeing, safely and securely covering topics ranging from anxiety to eating disorders, phobias, bullying, depression, gender or anger issues, helping young people to explore and understand some of the feelings and experiences they are having.
Go to headscapegreenwich.co.uk or headscapebexley.co.uk
You can also visit the Good Thinking website for some great advice about the stress of exam results, how to stay positive moving forward. The website also contains a list of resources and other organisations should you need further support.
Please visit www.good-thinking.uk/latest/advice
We hope that today is a wonderful day for you to celebrate, but please remember that you are not alone, regardless of the results.
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