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Get involved in transforming your mental health services

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Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to get involved in transforming mental health services where you live.

We’ve been working with our community partners to transform mental health services to make them easier to access and navigate.

Our service user and carer engagement group for the Community Transformation Programme in Greenwich and Bromley, is looking for service users or carers to get involved and share their feedback and help us further develop our work.

The views of any service user who has had experience of accessing mental health services, or carer who is supporting a loved one to access services in Greenwich or Bromley would be most welcome.

The next meeting is due to take place on Wednesday 4 May from 6pm to 7pm and will be held virtually via MS Teams.

Meetings will then be held weekly. You will be asked to read documents beforehand and to comment on them from a lived experience perspective. It’s OK if you don’t feel able to share your experience during the online sessions, that information can be shared in other formats. You will also receive an hourly rate of £11.05 for attending meetings and for any reading preparation you do.

If you are interested in attending on 4 May, please email: oxl-tr.involved@nhs.net with a few words on why you would like to get involved.

we are kind we are fair we listen we care

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

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