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Grand opening for mental health crisis call centre

Louis French cutting a ribbon surrounded by a group of Oxleas staff

Our new mental health crisis call centre was opened in style during a visit by Louie French, MP for Old Bexley and Sidcup.

Chair of Oxleas NHS, Andy Trotter welcomed the MP who did the honours and cut the ribbon to officially declare the call centre open for business.

Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the mental health crisis call centre serves residents of Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich, who find themselves, a friend or family member in a mental health crisis and in need of urgent help and support.

Specialist trained advisors are able to assess over the telephone the level of support required and action that support immediately.

Working in close partnership with the London Ambulance Service, Met Police and the 111 service, the call centre provides expert mental health advice at the point of contact and aims to help callers avoid the need to attend the bright, busy and sometimes distressing environments that hospital emergency departments can be.

Louie French MP said: "It was an honour to open the call centre today, we have all had our struggles with mental health, especially apparent during the pandemic and lockdowns.

"The call centre provides vital support to our residents when they are most in need, like so many of the other great services that Oxleas provides."

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