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Great Out of Hospital Care at Oxleas NHS

Graphic which reads 'Great out of hospital care' with the Oxleas logo

Our Great Out of Hospital Care (GOOHC) conference and exhibition was a great success with more than 100 attendees, keen to find out more about how we plan to deliver this important priority of our Oxleas Strategy 2021-4. 

Held in the beautiful surroundings of Hall Place in Bexley, the event was hosted by Medical Director, Abi Fadipe, who explained to staff, service users, stakeholders and partners, how we are improving lives by connecting healthcare at home, in hospital and in the community. 

The event included guest speakers and a showcase of some of the projects currently under way to ensure we can deliver on our great out of hospital care priority. 

Teams exhibiting were: 

  • Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team 
  • Mental Health Crisis Line Team 
  • End of Life Care Team 
  • Deteriorating Patients Team 
  • CAMHS Crisis Pathway Team 
  • Winter Pressure Team 
  • Community Mental Health Transformation Programme for Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich 
  • Urgent Community Response in Bexley and Greenwich 
  • Diabetes Team Bexley and Greenwich 
  • Respiratory Team Bexley and Greenwich 
  • Pessary Replacement Pathway project team. 

All of these teams, and many more, are working on projects trust wide to help us achieve and deliver on providing great out of hospital care to those who need our help. 

Welcoming people to the event, Abi, who is Senior Responsible Officer for GOOHC, said: “I live within the footprint of Oxleas so I want the care that Oxleas provides to be good enough for my family and for everyone else. 

“We are a very diverse trust working with a whole variety of people and I want to make sure that those here today leave feeling energised and enthused, with an understanding what great out of hospital care is, how it relates to them and that we all keep on talking about it.” 

Richard Douglas, Chair Designate of the South East London Integrated Care System (SEL ICS) and guest speaker, said: “I am really looking forward to hearing and seeing a lot more about great out of hospital care as this is something that is central to our objectives within the ICS. Unless you need the specialised service that a hospital provides, you absolutely shouldn’t be in one.” 

If you missed the day, you can find out more about what Great Out of Hospital Care means in our film from the day below:

Great Out of Hospital Care from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.






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