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Great week celebrating National Co-production Week

Three Oxleas staff standing in a garden

Last week was National Co-production and we had a great time celebrating the benefits of co-production across Oxleas. Every day, we've shared some examples of how we put co-production into practice.

As part of our Strategy 201-24, we are working to increase service user and carer involvement in the development of our services. Our Executive Lead for this work is Neil Springham, Director of Therapies. "Co-production creates better services that are more effective in meeting people's needs.

"Increasing co-production is one of the building blocks of our strategy and over the past year we have been developing the infrastructure to support this more at Oxleas.

"We have many great examples of excellent co-production across Oxleas but we want to spread this good practice across the whole organisation."

Neil talks about the Involved infrastructure - involving service users and communities in this short film (external link)

For more information about how we're taking co-production forward at Oxleas, contact Japleen Kaur, Assistant Director of Involvement, at japleen.kaur@nhs.net.

Below is a short film on our Woodlands Unit Garden grand opening, looking at how we've improved the outdoor space at one of our mental health units. This was a joint project involving service users and staff working with our estates team which has transformed the area to the benefit of all.

View our film:

Woodlands Unit Garden grand opening from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.




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