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Have your say on proposed changes to Eltham Community Hospital

Image of Eltham Community Hospital

Healthier Greenwich Partnership, the local care partnership including us and the other main health and care organisations in Greenwich, would like to hear from you about proposed changes to the services currently provided at Eltham Community Hospital.

The proposals would see the intermediate care beds currently provided by Oxleas at Eltham Hospital move to be with similar beds at Meadow View ward, Queen Mary’s Hospital. This would enable us to develop a new Community Diagnostic Centre at Eltham Community Hospital which will have significant benefits for the residents of Greenwich and beyond.

The proposed centre, would provide up to 64,339 additional scans and 27,418 blood tests per year by increasing existing capacity for ultrasound scans, blood tests and X-rays and creating new capacity for CT scans, MRI scans, respiratory and cardiac diagnostics. It will help to reduce waiting times to meet current demand and provide an opportunity for further expansion to meet future demand.

Read the full proposals and have your say here (external link)

Tell us what you think about the proposals

Please let us know your comments and views on the proposal:

Complete our short survey (external link) (it should take no longer than 5 minutes)

Join the conversation in the chat forum here: https://letstalkhealthandcareselondon.org/elthamhospital (external link)

Focus groups

Book yourself a place at one of our events where we will be discussing the proposals:

25 August, 10am-12 midday, Eltham Hospital (external link)

8 September, 10am - 12 midday, Eltham Hospital (external link)

14 September, 7pm - 8pm, venue TBC (external link)

Spaces are limited so please email abu.siddiki@selondonics.nhs.uk to request a place.

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