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Heath clinics for the homeless a winner

Four Oxleas staff standing in front of a gold background with certificates and an award

Partnership working was celebrated in style at the first One Bromley Celebrating Integration Together staff awards.

The work of our Bromley Community Mental Health teams, with Bromley Homeless Shelter, to run health clinics over the winter months, was named as winner of the Mary Cooke Award.

The shelter runs from October to April and is based at the United Reformed Church in Bromley, providing food and shelter to the homeless. The winter health clinics at Bromley Homeless Shelter provided a range of health care services including health checks, the COVID-19 vaccination and help to register with a GP.

Winners of the award need to be able to demonstrate how they have reduced health inequalities through targeted work with those who suffer poorer outcomes and improved the health of Bromley residents.

Award winners were announced at a celebration event where finalists from across One Bromley health and care system came together for an evening celebrating teamwork, collaboration and hard work.

Abi Fadipe, Medical Director, said: “It was wonderful to be able to be back together face to face celebrating the wonderful work that our teams have done together in Bromley. Congratulations to all the winners and looking forward to next year’s event.”

The One Bromley local care partnership is made up of health providers, Bromley Council, South East London Clinical Commissioning Group, and voluntary services.  It is part of the South East London Integrated Care System.

These services are working together to provide more joined up, proactive and personalised care for Bromley residents.

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