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Help shape the NHS for the future

Visual of 10 year plan NHS change

This week, a consultation has been launched to help the government develop a 10-year plan for the NHS.

It is seeking feedback from individuals and organisations on what our priorities are and how we think three key shifts in NHS care can be supported. It aims to publish the 10-year plan in Spring 2025. The three shifts are:

  • Shift 1: moving more care from hospitals to communities
  • Shift 2: making better use of technology in health and care
  • Shift 3: focussing on preventing sickness, not just treating it

Our new trust strategy aligns well with these aims and more information on the Oxleas strategy for 2024 - 2027 is available on our website: Please visit our strategy and values page for further details.

Everyone is invited to give individual feedback on the national consultation. Visit Change NHS for details of how to contribute.

We will also be compiling a response as an organisation which will need to be submitted by 2 December 2024. If you would like to share your views to help us write this response, please complete this short survey at

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