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Help us co-produce Autism Champions for our forensic services

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In the spirit of Co-production Week 2022, we are creating an Autism Champion programme for staff working in forensic services in Oxleas and want to develop this with the help of service users, carers and staff.

This is a pilot programme which we hope will be extended to all other directorates in the trust.

We are holding three separate focus groups and will be asking questions such as:

  • What should be the roles and responsibilities of an Autism Champion?
  • What training should we provide the Autism Champions?
  • What should we look for when recruiting for Autism Champions?

The focus groups will be held virtually on the following dates:

  • For staff: 2 August 2022
  • For service users: 3 August 2022
  • For carers: 4 August 2022

All groups will start at 2pm.


If you would like to attend one of these focus groups, or you would like more information, please contact Dr David Prior by email at: d.prior@nhs.net


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