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Help us to deliver great out of hospital care

Graphic showing the words 'Great of of hospital care' with the Oxleas logo

We want our out-of-hospital care to be the very best it can be and delivering great out-of-hospital care is one of our strategy’s three main priorities for 2021-24.

By providing people with the tools, skills and services they need to manage their conditions in their own communities, we will improve the quality of their lives and the lives of those who support them.

Co-designing our services with those who use them and working in close partnership with their families, local GPs, the voluntary sector and local providers, will help us to achieve this goal.

Our Great Out of Hospital Care conference will showcase the wide-ranging projects supporting this work and is a great opportunity for our service users and carers to hear about these exciting developments and how they can get involved.

The event will take place on Monday 20 June at Hall Place, Bourne Road, Bexley from 10am to 1pm.

Dr Abi Fadipe, Medical Director at Oxleas NHS, is leading our Great Out of Hospital Care priority.

She said: “Our strategy and priorities are based on what staff, patients, carers and partners have said they would like us to work on.

“This includes supporting the families of patients, early intervention to help prevent people getting to the point of needing to be admitted to hospital and appointments as close to home as possible.

“We want to help people lead fulfilling lives and to reduce the negative impact of the health conditions they experience.

“Our conference will demonstrate how we plan to deliver the Great Out of Hospital Care priority in the coming months - we see this as a real opportunity to reshape our services and provide the best care possible.”

Watch our short film below:

RCN's Best of Nursing film (behind the scenes special) from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.

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