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ICS Chair impressed by new initiatives

Richard Douglas, Chair for the South East London Integrated Care Board

ICS Chair impressed by new initiatives

The importance of integrated care and partnership working were showcased during a recent visit by Richard Douglas, Chair for the South East London Integrated Care Board, to Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust.

Richard was delighted to be welcomed to the trust’s Adult Community Physical Health Services where he met both the Urgent Community Responses services (JET) in Greenwich and Bexley Rapid Response Team. These integrated health and social care teams provide a two-hour response to those at risk of presenting to an acute hospital.

The teams talked though some of the new initiatives they are involved in such as a Falls Pick Up service and developing new and exciting roles within the service such as Paramedics and Advanced Nurse practitioners.

Richard then visited Bexley and Greenwich District Nursing staff to hear about some the challenges they are facing due to high demand and the national drive to support people in their homes. The staff spoke with pride about their dedication to their patients and how they work with carers and other partners to support housebound residents within our local population.

The final stop was a visit to the Bexley MSK service who receive around 400 referrals per week. Richard heard how the service has created a self-management platform and the positive impact the service has on reducing onward referrals to secondary care.

I found it both interesting and enjoyable, you have a great bunch of people there doing a great job.

Richard Douglas, Chair for the South East London Integrated Care Board

Posted in Community Health news

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