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 Help in a crisis

"I'd never move back into mainstream healthcare"

Often overlooked by those seeking a career in the NHS, prison healthcare might seem an unpopular option.

Surprising then, that amongst those who have discovered the opportunities and satisfaction offender healthcare has to offer, the majority told us they would never consider returning to mainstream healthcare.

As well as providing physical and mental healthcare services in prisons across London and Kent, Oxleas NHS now also provide healthcare in ten prisons across south west England.

In our latest film below, we visit our newest colleagues working in prisons in the south west, as they talk about the work they love, the beautiful local scenery, the challenges, satisfaction and rewards their roles bring them.

Presented by Aisling Thompson, Service Director of Offender Healthcare services, our film gives seldom seen insight into this specialist area of healthcare:

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we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

We are kind, we are fair, we listen

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