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Inspirational Bukky is Rising Star of 2023

RCN Rising Star 2023 Bukki Ojomo

Huge congratulations to Bukky (Olubukola Ojomo), who has been named as a Rising Star for 2023 by the Royal College of Nursing.

Bukky works as a nursing associate with the team at Barefoot Lodge and was nominated for the huge contributions she makes to the care of her patients and the access, experience and outcomes in their healthcare.

Winners of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Rising Stars of 2023 were announced on Monday 2 October to kick off October’s Black History Month celebrations.

The Rising Star Awards recognise nurses and healthcare support workers from London’s Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) nursing community who have made an outstanding contribution to the capital’s health and care system.

Bukky will be presented in person with her award at the Rising Stars Black History Month event on 20 October.

Bukky said: “I am proud to be working for Oxleas and with the fantastic Barefoot Lodge nursing team. The best part of my role is the time I spend with my patients and their families, supporting them in any way I can. I am indeed humbled by the support that I get from the team and for this recognition. Thank you all.”

Jane Wells, Director of Nursing, said: “Bukky is an outstanding nurse, who is so committed to our patients. As the main family and carers contact, she goes above and beyond and doesn’t shy away from discussing difficult things, working closely with the consultant nurse and psychologist to support and psychoeducate.

“She is indeed a true Rising Star.”

You can see the Rising Star Awards video and read more about the winners here.

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