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International visit to share learning

Visit to Oxleas House by the Mental Health Institute from Singapore

Improving quality and creating trauma-informed care were key topics of discussion when we welcomed visitors from the Institute of Mental Health in Singapore earlier this month.

Colleagues from the institute visited wards at Oxleas House in Greenwich to share best practice and ideas. 

They were welcomed by our Chief Executive Ify Okocha, and heard from Director of Nursing Jane Wells, Head of Nursing Naidoo Amoordon and Director of Quality Vicky Woods

The clinicians from Singapore found it an inspirational visit. Mr Timothy Liu, Chief Operations Officer, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore, said:

"It's been truly inspiring to be able to learn in person from Dr Ify and his dedicated team from Oxleas, about their journey in translating their passion to improving lives through the various wonderful and impactful work they have done."

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