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It’s official – we’re the Best Place to Work in London!

Graphic for NHS Staff Survey 2024 with two speech bubbles

The NHS staff survey results are in!

And we are delighted to share that we are top in five out of nine categories across all 35 NHS trusts across London.

Taking all nine category scores into account collectively, this means that we are ranked top in comparison to the other trusts.

The survey is organised in seven People Promise categories and two themes.

Here’s how we did:

People Promise Oxleas Ranking Across London
We are a team 1st
We are always learning 1st
We are recognised and rewarded 1st
We work flexibly 1st
We are compassionate and inclusive 2nd
We each have a voice that counts 2nd
We are safe and healthy 2nd
Themes Oxleas Ranking Across London
Morale 1st
Staff engagement 3rd


I was already impressed that we managed to achieve our highest response rate ever for this most recent nationwide staff survey, to then see these results is just incredible. There are 35 NHS trusts across London, so taking the top spot is fantastic. I’m so proud of our people and the way we work together at Oxleas. The ‘We are a team’ People Promise really sums us up.

We are aware that nationally there is a lot of change happening in the NHS and pressures on services are high. It’s more important than ever that we keep to our values in Oxleas and support our staff to provide the best possible care to patients.

Ify Okocha, Chief Executive

Find out more from the NHS Staff Survey dashboard.

More detailed results will be issued over the coming days.

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