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Join Change NHS webinars

Change NHS webinars visual

Nationally the NHS and the Department of Health and Social Care are carrying out a listening exercise,  Change NHS to help build a health service fit for the future.

This will inform the development of the 10 Year Plan following the publication of the independent review by Lord Darzi in September 2024. As part of this, two webinars will be held to hear your views and suggestions for the three ‘shift’ areas:

  • Moving more care from hospitals to communities
  • Making better use of technology
  • Preventing sickness, not just treating it

They will take place on:

Monday 20 January from noon to 2pm

Wednesday 5 February from 6 to 8pm

The webinars are the same, so you only need to book on one.

Sign up here

Other ways to get involved

If you are not able to join the webinars you can still be involved through  the Change NHS portal . Your views, no matter how big or small, will help shape a new approach.

Click here and start to share your views – learning from your experience

Click here to submit your ideas for chang e

Sign up here.

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We are kind, we are fair, we listen

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