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Join Oxleas to support Carers Week

Graphic which reads 'Make caring visible, valued and supported'

This week (6 to 12 June) is Carers Week – an annual campaign which recognises the challenges carers face and the contribution they make to families and communities. 

Since the launch of our first Carers and Support Network Strategy, our progress around carer support has been significant.

We have worked on routinely identifying carers, assessing their needs, providing information, groups, and staff training.

Nevertheless, there is much more we can still do, as set out in our current carers and support networks strategy.

Supporting carers requires collaboration across agencies. With this in mind, during Carers Week we are excited to team up with local carer support agencies to offer groups and supporting events. These are open to all carers across Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich.

Here’s how you can get involved:


Bexley Carers are holding a free event on Friday 10 June from 10am to 2pm at Holiday Inn, Southwold Road, Bexley DA5 1ND. This event will include:

  • Information and resources on support for carers
  • Activities - gentle exercise session, pampering
  • Talks and support sessions

To reserve your place visit - www.bit.ly/BEXLEYCARERS22 (external link)or call 0203 045 5369

Members of our psychology team from Bexley Older People’s Community Mental Health Team have a free online workshop for carers.

Managing Mental Health Crisis will take place via MS Teams on Tuesday 7 June at 2pm and is open to all carers in Bexley.

Email oxl-tr.bexleyopmhpsychology@nhs.net to register today (6 June).


Meet Bromley Well Services in The Glades Shopping Centre, Unit 259 (opposite Lush), central Bromley on Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 June from 10.30 am to 5pm.

You can:

  • Find out how their Information Legal Advice and Guidance service can help you with finance, debt, cost of living, housing, and energy
  • Find out how to get involved as a volunteer
  • Enjoy free hand massages, book group, poetry, knitting and crochet lessons (Wednesday)
  • Join in a Singing for Wellbeing session (Thursday morning).


Greenwich Carers Centre is providing the following activities during Carers’ Week:

Monday 6 June, 11am to 2:30pm – Reiki/Reflexology (15 minute slots)

Tuesday 7 June, 11am to 2pm – Neck and Shoulder Massage (15 minute slots)

Wednesday 8 June, 2:30pm to 3:30pm – Meditation

Thursday 9 June, 2pm to to 3:30pm – Chair-based Yoga

Friday 10 June, 11am to 3pm  – Garden Party (live music, Tai Chi classes, cake, tea, and Pimms from the cafe).

All activities are free.

To book please call 020 8102 9654 or email: activities@greenwichcarers.org

In addition, Greenwich carers support team will be at the following locations for drop-in support and information to help with your caring role:

Monday 6 June, 2pm to 4pm at Charlton Library

Tuesday 7 June, 10am to noon at Abbey Wood Library

Wednesday 8 June, 10:30am to 12:30pm at Greenwich Library

Thursday 9 June, 10am to noon at Eltham Library

Thursday 9 June, 10:30am to 12:30pm at Woolwich Library

There are many more ideas about how to get involved at: www.carersweek.org


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we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

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