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Join Tanvir to celebrate Support Workers Day

Support Workers Day 2023 featuring Tanvir from forensic services

Today (23 November) is Support Worker’s Day and we're shining a spotlight on our fantastic nursing support workforce - highlighting the vital contribution they make to patient care in health and social care.

This year, the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) are aiming to break down some of the preconceptions about nursing support workers and get to the heart of who they are, what they do and why they’re essential to the nursing workforce.

To celebrate the occasion, the RCN have produced a special film featuring our very own Tanvir Trow, Healthcare Assistant at the Bracton Centre. Tanvir and healthcare workers from across the NHS, come together to talk about their varied role, the skills they have and how rewarding it is to help and support patients and service users.

The true extent of the work carried out by the nursing support workforce is often hidden, and their value underestimated. Nursing Support Workers’ Day is an opportunity to amplify their voice, raise awareness, and celebrate the work they do.

Join us in supporting this Nursing Support Workers' Day on social media by supporting messages and including in your message: @theRCN @OxleasNHS #NursingSupportWorkersDay.

Watch the RCN film below:

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