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Join us at launch of our new patient online health record

Oxcare logo on blue background with 'your health, your way' written underneath

Join us for the formal launch of Oxcare and find out what our new patient online health record system is all about on 31 January 2022, from 2pm to 3pm.

Our virtual launch event will showcase how Oxcare enables our patients to take control of their own health records and connects them with their care team. It allows patients to add their own information about their health, details of any current health issues or conditions and includes a diary or trackers to record mood and pain levels.

Oxcare is accessible from any web-enabled device – tablet, smart phone or computer - and is being rolled out month-by-month to teams and services within Oxleas from now.

The launch meeting will include presentations from our Chief Executive, Dr Ify Okocha; Chair, Andy Trotter and service users as well as a Q&A session. The event is for clinical and non-clinical staff, service users and members of the pubic who want to find out more.

If you would like to ask a question about Oxcare at the event please submit it ahead of the meeting by email to oxl-tr.oxcare@nhs.net.

The virtual meeting will also be streamed live at: https://oxleas.nhs.uk/oxcare-launch.

Watch our short film explaining Oxcare here:

Oxcare launch: 31 January 2022 from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.

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