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Joint venture celebrates 10th anniversary

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Successful and lasting joint ventures are not common in the NHS - that’s where we differ from most other trusts.

Ten years ago, Oxleas NHS became involved in a joint venture to develop cutting-edge, high-tech work management software to record the knowledge skills and performance of our medical professionals.

SARD, a joint venture between us and Mango Swiss Limited, launched in 2012 and is celebrating its 10th anniversary this January. This clever, intuitive piece of software keeps track of medics’ training and career development, including medical revalidation, eRostering and job planning. Revalidation is the process by which the General Medical Council confirms the continuation of a medical professional’s licence to practice in the UK.

As the majority shareholder, we have been successful in selling the scheme on to other trusts, earning us a profit which is ploughed back into our patient services.

One of its founding members, Dr Ify Okocha, is now Chief Executive of Oxleas and remains on SARD’s board of directors.

He said: “I am delighted that SARD has stood the test of time against evolving technology and is now celebrating its 10th anniversary. It is a simple and cost-effective solution to appraisal and revalidation - designed by doctors for doctors – and has grown from providing just medical revalidation to Oxleas, to becoming a supplier serving over 43,000 NHS staff across the UK.”


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