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Leading the way on diversity and inclusion

Group of Oxleas staff celebrating two years of BAFO

We are delighted that we have won two prestigious national awards for leading the way in creating a more diverse and inclusive organisation.

Our Building a Fairer Oxleas programme (BAFO) has won the Healthcare People Management Association Annual Awards for leading in equality, diversity and inclusion.

While our Shadow Executive programme has won the Enei Inclusivity Excellence Annual Awards for an innovative approach to diversity and inclusion.

This follows being a finalist in the Engage 2022 Awards for the best Diversity and Inclusion Strategy earlier this year.

Chief Executive Dr Ify Okocha welcomed the awards: "Making Oxleas a Great Place to Work is one of the key aims of our strategy. This means making the trust a great place to work for all. The Building a Fairer Oxleas programme and Shadow Executive are just two ways we are making positive changes. Thank you to all our colleagues who have helped make these innovative programmes such a success."

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

We are kind, we are fair, we listen

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